Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
The scenario of the Croatian eCall Pilot is based on a regional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) which covers the Greater Zagreb area. The Croatian eCall Pilot is based on the existing E112 system and the already deployed mobile communication networks. The necessary software modifications of both the mobile communication networks and the PSAP will be conducted in order to support in-band modem eCall service. Communication link will be established in support of voice and data exchange between PSAP and related services (fire brigade, medical emergency, police, road assistance, motorway operators, traffic information system). The already installed ICT equipment will be utilised. Finally, at least two types of In-Vehicle Units (IVU) will be used, in order to allow the eCall service validation. The utilisation of both GPS- and Glonass-based IVUs is expected. It is planned that the Croatian eCall Pilot will use around 200 cars. Several of them will utilise foreign-registered IVUs in order to allow for interoperability and cross-border testing and validation.
Expected Outcomes:
- The assessment of required mobile network and PSAPs modifications and enhancements.
- Establishing deployment and validation procedures for network and PSAPs modifications.
- Establishing a legal, business and technology framework for eCall deployment.
- Definition of testing and certification procedures for both equipment and SOPs.
- Identification of best practices in equipment design, deployment and operation, SOPs development and deployment.
- Raising the public perception of eCall and its importance for road safety.
- Development of innovative solutions for eCall performance enhancements.
Croatia core pilot team
Member State Leader: National Protection and Rescue Directorate (Public Authority)
Contact point: Mr Pavao Britvic -
Telecommunication Products Provider: Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Automobile Club: Croatian Automobile Club