Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
Finland has a centralised organisation (here named as PSAP2) for emergency calls. In the development (piloting) phase of eCall PSAP1 (a trusted party) will combine the eCall data to be sent to the PSAP2. An interface which is called eCall testbed, simulates the real life PSAP2 receiving environment which encodes, decodes and validates eCall MSD and voice calls. In future's normal process (in full deployment phase) central PSAP will receive the eCalls straight from the vehicles and the PSAP normal process distributes the required rescue operations for local rescue forces.
Finland's pilot will validate the process of sending and receiving eCall MSD & voice to PSAP environment. The piloting process will reveal existing process specification and development needs and stakeholder duties which must be dealt with before the real life deployment. The realisations after piloting phase will be planned and timing is set in agreement of the stakeholders. Relevant definitions for new PSAP SW system (which will be under construction under years 2011-2013) will be made with the help of pilot experiences.
Finland core pilot team
Member State Leader: Ministry of Transport and Communicationsn
Contact point: Mrs Anu Laurell -
Emergency Service provider: Emergency Response Centre Administration
Public Authority: Ministry of Interior - Department for Rescue Services
Consultant expert in Infrastructure & Transport and IT & Telecom: Ramboll
Expert organisation: VTT