Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
The eCall service architecture will follow the architecture of the regular E112 system.
The eCall will be triggered from any point in Bulgaria, and like the regular E112 emergency call the respective telecom operator will route the case (voice and MSD processed data) to the level 1 PSAP in Sofia. The eCall service will be based on European approved standards.
The entire pilot service eCall chain will be implemented according to the available at present EU standards. During the pilot the software implementation of the eCall flag via purchase/upgrade of a Mobile. Switching Centre (MSC) will be done by a Bulgarian mobile operator. The Mobile operator will implement the standards for eCall discriminator (eCall flag) to distinguish between a regular E112 call and eCall, which will be tested in order to be chosen the most functional appropriate and cost effective solution.During the pilot IVS prototype will be developed, which will be installed in test vehicles. It will using different type of sensors and at least 3 geo positioning systems, Also different algorithms for crash detection will be analyzed. The development of IVS could help in cross boarder interoperability testing with the partners from HeERO 1 and HeERO 2 projects.
The MSD message will be transferred using technology specified in EU standard.The PSAP receiving the eCall will decode the MSD, format and insert it into the system 112. Then the case will be processed as regular one, i.e. transmitted to the district PSAP corresponding to the caller localization and visualized to the operator on the pilot/test workstations. After evaluation the need of emergency assistance, and in case of real emergency, it will transmit the call to the Dispatcher Centre for handling the emergency. In addition, within the Sofia PSAP a common decoder of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) included in the Minimum Set of Data (MSD) will be designed, developed and tested to be able to extract the necessary information (i.e., vehicle model, type, model year). The VIN decoder will have an interface for data synchronization with external VIN database, which interface and external database should be pointed out by Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria. The Public Safety Answering Points which will receive the eCall emergency calls may have to undertake a series of technical and procedural upgrades to enable the correct handling of the eCall emergencies. Number of involved vehicles: the number of involved vehicles will be 10.
Bulgaria core pilot team
Member State Leader: Bulgarian Association Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS Bulgaria)
Contact point: Iskra Yoshovska -
Member State Partners:
- Ministry of Interior;
- Enterprise Communications Group OOD;
- Icom Ltd;
- Technical University of Sofia;
- Mobiltel EAD MNO