Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
The Danish pilot will involve the 2 PSAPs operated by the Danish National police.
Also, the PSAP run by the Copenhagen Fire Services and which covers the Copenhagen region will be associated in the pilot.
Denmark envisages no special routing of eCalls, i.e. no intermediate eCallcenter.
The basic idea is to carry out the necessary upgrades of hardware and software in the PSAPs to enable eCall operation and to train the PSAP operators according.
A small fleet of vehicles of different makes will be fitted with eCall In Vehicle Units using "dormant" SIM card and systematic test will be performed to make sure the Minimum Set of Data is transmitted from car to PSAP.
No Mobile Network Operator takes part in the pilot.
Expected Outcomes:
The expected outcome of the project is to make the entire Danish emergency infrastructure ready for eCall and to raise public awareness of eCall during the process.
Denmark core pilot team
Member State Leader: Martin Hellung-Larsen,Danish Transport Authority
Contact point: Mr Martin Hellung-Larsen -
Vehicles Electronics Provider: to be decided
Public Authority: Danish Transport Authority, Danish National Police, Copenhagen Fire Services
Telecommunication Products Provider: to be decided