Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
Depending on Germany's federal Government structure and the regional differences in PSAP operators and infrastructure, the German pilot is located in Niedersachsen region. The service will include all parts of the eCall chain including eCall-equipped cars and their manufacturers, the mobile network providers and several PSAPs.
The German eCall pilot is operational since April 2010. It was tested with initial IVS implementations. However, full functionality must be provided and tests must cover also bad circumstances like poor coverage, missed or partly missed in-band transmissions and operating errors by staff. HeERO pilot will allow these new tests. Given the federal structure with 16 provinces and a regional management of the PSAPs, Germany has a special status within the European Union - nowhere else so many centres are conducted by various organisations such as rescue organisations or fire departments, as well as municipalities. Due to this federal structure, PSAPs processes are not standardised and vary from region to region. In order to introduce an EU-wide eCall, these processes need to be normalized at least on the input side to process eCalls. HeERO will offer the opportunity to work on this normalisation process. The discussion of a meaningful structure of the PSAPs is well advanced in Germany and the establishment of specialized PSAP in the provinces is considered as a wise investment. These PSAPs are intended to be only for the processing of eCall and provide emergency calls to existing PSAPs if needed. The recent PSAPs will continue to exist. The pilot will help to find out how many German PSAPs will be able to compute eCalls on their own and which is the necessary number of eCall PSAPs and their possible location.
Germany's core pilot team
Member State Leader: ITS Niedersachsen
Contact point: Mr Harry Evers -
Technology Provider - Positioning Applications: OECON
Technology Provider - High Performance Mixed Signal and Standard Product Solutions: NXP
Automotive Supplier: Continental
Car Fleet Operator: Flughafentransfer Hannover
Automotive and Consumer Electronics Provider: SINN
Technology Provider - Positioning, Navigation, Communication: NAVCERT
Automobile Club: ADAC