Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
In Greece there is only one PSAP for the 112 service. It will be used for the Greek pilot. The HW and SW components that will be used will provide the required functionality for the pilots such as: modem call termination, MSD extraction, MSD fields (e.g. GPS and VIN data) visualization, voice call handling. The final specifications will be fixed during the public procurement for the PSAP upgrade.
The 112 PSAP will be upgraded to support the eCall. The pilot aims at testing the upgraded 112 PSAP and integration of the eCall functionality with the 112 functionality. End to end testing of eCall will involve MNOs, PSAP and Emergency Services.
Greece core pilot team
Member State Leader: Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
Contact point: Mr Georgios Patsiavos -
Run 112 and Rescue Teams: General Secretariat for Civil Protection (GSCP)