Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
The Italian pilot will be hosted in the 1st level PSAP of Varese, a regional PSAP.
MNO expect from the pilot to perform a testing activity to identify the technical and operational implications related to the proper routing of the eCall to the designed PSAP, to the installation and testing of the needed SW patches made available by the network equipment manufacturers. Addition evaluation about the time frame needed for a full deployment of the eCall at national level will be also addressed based on the hypothetical number and location of the first level PSAP that will be recommended by the institutional entities in charge of defining and managing the eCall process.
The automotive industry expects to have from the pilot useful results that will permit making a final evaluation on eCall functionalities developed in different in-vehicle systems, defining guidelines on eCall boxes in-vehicle integration and guidelines on HMI and operational aspects.
Finally, the Traffic Management Operators and Private Service Providers expect to show to what extent the development of an interoperable pan-European eCall service will enable the diffusion of additional services like advanced roadside assistance, traffic information, etc. The eCall handling will also help to generate useful and time-responsive traffic information concerning road accident in the pilot test area. Finally, it is envisaged to demonstrate how a private call centre might contribute to the extension of the PSAP network at a national level.
On the general side it is expected from the pilot to evaluate the best organisational model to be adopted to continue the deployment of eCall at national level, the barriers to overcome, the necessary upgrades to PSAPs and telecommunication networks, the costs to be supported to deploy eCall in Italy and the guidelines to do it.
Italy core pilot team
Member State Leader: Presidency of Council of Ministers - Department Innovation
Contact point: Mr Marco Marrazza -
Automotive Technology Supplier: Magneti Marelli
Mobile Network Operator: Telecom Italia
PSAP Operations: AREU
Automobile Club: Automobile Club d'Italia