Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
Luxembourg intends to develop a fully functional eCall service that will be implemented into the existing 112 system. As Luxembourg is a small country, with a high volume of transit traffic, the local eCall service will be based on the European eCall standards. This will enable any vehicle from any European country travelling through Luxembourg, and having the correct standard devices, to obtain support from the Luxembourg public 112 service.
As part of the HeERO2 project the Luxembourg project partner Entreprise des Postes ET Télécommmunications (EPT) will implement the mechanism that differentiates eCalls from normal emergency 112 calls (the eCall discriminator flag) into its mobile network.
The major expected outcome is integration of eCall into the existing Luxembourg 112 Centre and extended possibility to assist vehicles from other member states.
The eCall pilot also focuses on the identification of the technical issues involved in the integration of the In Vehicle systems (IVS), the mobile telephone networks and the 112 Centre as well as the working processes inside the 112 Centre. In addition the possibilities of handling of heavy good vehicles and the integration of dangerous goods transports into the eCall system will be analysed and tested. The pilot will validate this expectation and recommend adaptations and modification where needed and possible.
The pilot is expected to lead to a complete verification of the standardised eCall functionality for personal vehicles and heavy good vehicles in Luxembourg. The need for additional standardisation especially in the area of dangerous goods transport may be identified and carried out.
Another important aspect of eCall for the Luxembourg Pilot Site is the testing of cross-border eCalls. Vehicles driving close to the neighbouring borders, but still inside Luxembourg, might be connected to either a German, French or Belgian mobile operator. In case of an accident, it must e ensures that it is the Luxembourg 112 centre that is called and not PSAP in the home country of the connected network.
When the pilot is completed a preliminary time schedule for eCall operational deployment in Luxembourg will be defined in agreement with all stakeholders.
Luxembourg core pilot team
Member State Leader: HITEC Luxembourg S.A.
Contact point: Mr Harold
Public Authority: Administration des Services de Secours
Telecommunication Operator: Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications Luxembourg. Contact point for HeERO2 -