Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
The eCall implementation in Netherlands will be based on a central 112 PSAP. The pilot will consist of cars generating eCall in the test region. Using the mobile and fixed telecom network the calls will be routed to the national 112 centre. This will receive and handle the eCalls and send the information to the Emergency Services in the test region. The information will also be send to the traffic management centre (TMC).
The existing equipment in the 112 centre is prepared to be made fit to receive and handle the eCalls. The call will be transmitted to the Emergency Services and TMC applying industry standard solutions. There will be around 25- 100 cars equipped with eCall. A maximum of 25 cars will be of 112 and RWS, the total number of cars will depend on the participation of private companies. In terms of type of test Netherlands will test eCall activation + eCall operator handling of call and data + dispatch of emergency rescues until their arrival to the accident scene. As part of the test, cars will travel to at least two different participating countries. The number will be between 20 and 40 cars travelling abroad. Moreover other HeERO participants will be able to join the Dutch test in the Dutch test area.
At the end of the pilot Netherland expect to have the functional specifications and standards allowing the 112 infrastructure to receive and handle eCalls at the PSAP level, and send them to the Emergency Services and to the TMC. Netherlands plan to have developed the operating procedure necessary to handle the information both within the emergency help and incident management at the TMC. As final result eCall specifications, standards and procedures should be implemented in the operational 112 infrastructure together with the connections to the Emergency Services and TMC.
Netherlands core pilot team
Member State Leader: Rijkswaterstaat (Directorate General for Public Works and Water Management)
Contact point: Mr Jan Van Hattem -
Public Authority: KLPD (National Police Agency)