Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
During the pilot the eCall will be triggered from any place in Romania, the call will be routed to the Level 1 Bucharest PSAP and from here the case (voice and additional MSD processed data) will be handled to the emergency intervention agencies from the eCall scene neighbourhood. Romania will create the mechanism to differentiate eCalls from the regular emergency 112 calls, using the eCall discriminator flag and to extract the associated Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The MSD will be then processed, a separate connection with a VIN decoder server will pull all the additional information to the system and the whole data package will be formatted and inserted back in the 112 database. The solution recommended by the European eCall Implementation Platform, the use of EUCARIS network, will be used for the VIN decoder and the necessary hardware for this solution will be purchased during the pilot project and interfaces will be deployed.
The aim is to develop a fully redundant service, with a small impact on the existing 112 System. 20 cars will be equipped with eCall IVS to test the service. The pilot will allow identifying the most viable way to further deploy the eCall service to all Romanian 41 Level 1 PSAPs and the necessary 112 system upgrades.
Romania's core pilot team
Member State Leader: ITS Romania
Contact point: Mr Dorin Dumitrescu -
PSAP Operations: Special Telecommunications Service (STS)
Road Operator: National Company of Motorways and National Roads of Romania (RNCMNR)
Technology provider: UTI Systems
Engineering and consultancy: Electronic Solutions SRL
Expert Organisation: Romania American University