Description of the pilot site and expected outcomes
Spain will implement Pan European eCall service into the already existing regional E112 system using an intermediate PSAP which will allow filtering and discrimination of eCalls.
The Spanish pilot will pave the way for a later nationwide eCall service. Therefore, the major expected outcome is to gain enough valuable experience to correctly dimension the eCall service for full deployment in Spain.
The Spanish pilot architecture is based on a several layer approach. The first level will be an intermediate PSAP deployed by the DGT in Madrid which will be in charge of receiving and filtering eCalls (discarding false alarms), decoding the MSD and sending the information to: the appropriate regional 112 PSAP - also redirecting the voice call when necessary -; the DGT Traffic Control Center, where enriched information related to the accident and connection to the plate number vehicle database will be obtained; the traffic police.
The Spanish eCall pilot has a special chapter for Powered Two-Wheeled vehicles, P2W. For P2W, sensor assessment in helmets and other equipment (GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, odometer, inclinometer) together with solutions linked to the P2W vehicle itself will be carried out.
It is expected that participant PSAP's (covering 4 pilot areas in different regions of Spain) will ensure both enough sampling of current existing 112 emergency handling centres and assessment and experience (operating procedures and discrimination of eCalls) on what happens in the border area between different 112 emergency centres.
Spain core pilot team
Member State Leader: Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT)
PSAPs: 4 regional 112 PSAP emergency centres (Galicia, Madrid, Castilla y León, Comunidad Valenciana)
Advisory Group: Spanish Commission on Civil Protection, Office of the Deputy Director of Networking and Telecommunications Operators
Mobile Network Operator: Telefonica
MNO/PSAP Provider: Ericsson, CARTIF
Automotive industry: FICOSA, CTAG
Other Technology providers: GMV, SICE
Associations: RACC Automobile Club, ITS Spain
P2W solutions: NZI, CEIT